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Widows and single mothers go through daunting challenges in many African societies. They are often denied property rights, and they lose the protection and status they had when married. They often live in poverty, unable to provide for their children’s needs. SIMPAP was created to empower single mothers to become economically viable

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spiritually strong, and productive in the community. SALT provides vocational training, microfinance loans, and regular Christian fellowship. SIMPAP participants learn an income-generating skill such as tailoring, beadwork (bags, jewelry), soap making and more. SALT provides business training and access to loans so that women can grow their business and become economically self-sufficient, all in the context of a supportive environment.


PEER Teens  is a global community of young people who are learning together to experience God’s kingdom and extend his kingdom to others. They live out the words found in 1 Timothy 4:12. PEER Teens South Sudan members meet for fellowship and Biblical teaching to encourage each other to

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go deeper into the Word of God. They also learn income-generating skills such as handicrafts, and they have the opportunity to be part of a savings group, learning early this financial discipline. They perform outreach, such as leading services in local churches, refugee camps, and even prisons. They visit the sick with both words of encouragement and help with chores. They are a talented group, bringing joy and inspiration through music, dance, and theater!


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With a strong foundation on Cristian values, Special Action For Life Transformation (SALT) considers Peace Building and Conflict Resolution as one of its core programs.


We want all children to have the opportunity to get a quality education. Towards this end, we work with school management committees, PTAs, and chiefs in school and community development. SALT has supported a number of educational initiatives and will continue to do so. One such project was the construction of a new

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three-room classroom block at a primary school in Midigo, South Sudan to replace a crumbling facility. In addition, we continue to have close relationships with teacher training colleges in Yei and beyond. Through such a relationship, we were able to provide two teachers for the school. Once renovated and with quality staff, enrollment increased in one year from 30 to over 200 pupils.


How satisfying it is to put in a good day’s work, allowing you to provide for your family with dignity and hope. Our livelihood projects help provide those we serve with the resources to do just that. SIMPAP (above) is one such project, providing vocational training and microloans for small business ventures. This program also includes support of farmers and agricultural

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projects, fish and poultry farming, mobilization of resources for construction projects, road maintenance and other support systems needed to help make a community’s economy successful.


Health has many facets. We work holistically, addressing health on many levels. Many of our livelihood projects revolve around increasing food security; it's difficult to be healthy without having enough nutritious food. Access to clean water and sanitation facilities are also

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important factors in one's health and well-being. One of SALT's recent projects was to fund and build a WaSH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) station at an early child development centre in a refugee camp in Uganda. This will go far in keeping children healthy! And speaking of children's health, sometimes good health involves a healthy dose of exercise and friendly competition, so SALT organizes sports-related projects, working with partners facilities, equipment, and coaching.


SALT engages with local, state and national leadership in numerous ways to help promote democracy, good government and rule of law. SALT leadership keeps close ties with authorities in their communities. Members in the SALT community formed and participate in a cooperative society called JEMCOS, Joint Effort Multipurpose Cooperative Society,

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registered at county and state levels. Early in its formation, JEMCOS helped the community of Midigo develop their 10-year community development strategy, and the value of the cooperative has continued to grow.

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