SALT’s tagline is Transformation in Action. But it’s more than just a catchy line.
With SALT walking alongside those it serves, they’re seeing it all around them!
Let’s celebrate some of these stories of transformation in the SALT community.
Widow, refugee, businesswoman
Emily had to flee from her homeland after her husband was killed in South Sudan’s brutal civil war. WIth only $100 to her name, she and her three children struggled to make due. She heard about SALT from a friend at church, and took out her first loan. She now has three businesses, and has a vision for expansion! And more than that, she now has a strong, loving community and has grown in her faith because of it.

Learning a livelihood
Rose had to leave South Sudan in 2016 due to the war. A widow and mother, she tried making ends meet by baking and selling mandazi (an African donut) in the town square. But it wasn’t enough. Thankfully, she was accepted into SALT’s vocational training program for tailoring. She’s now a successful seamstress who can care for her family’s needs.
Raising healthy chickens
Raising chickens is harder than it may sound. Chicks are very suceptible to disease and death. But this didn’t stop Christine from creating a successful business as a poultry farmer. A resourceful woman, she learned about the risks and potential problems by asking a veternarian. When she found out that young chicks wouldn’t survive if they got too cold, she decided to sleep with them in their pen for the first two weeks, until they were strong enough for the elements. That’s dedication! Let’s meet her.